Boing Boing

How to learn business, marketing, personal growth, and more for under $30

Resolutionists make big claims every January 1st about their plans for the year ahead. But two months into the year is usually when those plans fall apart, and you'll find them looking back at how their goals didn't pan out. For those who would like a re-do and want to reposition yourselves for the remaining 10 months of 2021, MSTRMND Academy can be an instrumental starting point. 

If lacking a professional skill is holding your business ideas back, or if there's an element of personal growth you'd like to address, the Academy is a treasure trove of learning opportunities. Divided into marketing, business, personal development, and health branches, MSTRMND offers literally hundreds of courses and e-book series, all aimed at giving you the tools to improve both your professional and personal life. 

With access to all of MSTRMND's courses, you can take the time to shore up any area you feel could stand for some development with this boot camp style training, ranging from a concrete marketing skill like social media mastery to interpersonal training in how to lead or even just manage your own time or internal anxiety.

For current and would-be marketers, coursework in search engine optimization (SEO), viral marketing, bolstering web traffic, effective advertising, and more can vastly expand your abilities. If you're trying to lock down the basics of running a business, you'll find expert instruction on principles like sales funnels as well as more esoteric training like time management.

This collection can even teach you about something entirely new, including emerging tech and business hotspots like blockchain and Bitcoin.

If you somehow work your way through all of its courses, e-books and hour after hour of video training in this bundle, MSTRMND Academy will always surprise you with new courses and new skills training every month.

Right now, you can get unlimited access to everything MSTRMND Academy has to offer for just $29.99. 

Prices subject to change.

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