Boing Boing

Understand your dog a whole new way with these $60 DNA testing and dog training lessons

At this point, you probably feel like you know your dog pretty well. You've been together for a few years now, you've bonded, and you've puzzled out a few things about their undeniable personality. Dogs are usually pretty open books. For the most part, they wear who they are right on their expressive faces. Even if they're making a silly, silly mistake.

But as in sync with your furry friend as you are, there are still a few secrets you'll likely never know. If you know your dog's pedigree and have some familiarity with their family tree, you'll likely understand a few more pieces of the puzzle. With The All-in-One DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test and Dog Training Bundle, you can unlock some of those answers, while also learning the skills to help get any dog to a happier place or even launch your own career as an experienced dog trainer.

The centerpiece of this collection is the DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test, the complete chromosomal 411 on your pet. Just swab your dog's cheek, send in the sample, and you'll get back a complete report on everything your dog's genetics can tell you about them. The test breaks down the exact components of your dog's DNA, so you can get an accurate read on their breed as well as the personality traits inherent to that breed. 

The test also gives any pet parent the medical history you might not otherwise have about your dog, including each dog's specific genetic health concerns as well as their risk for certain diseases.

Of course, DNA will only tell you so much. The eight accompanying courses are aimed at training and dog psychology that helps any dog and dog owner reach a happier, more satisfying place.

How to Stop Dog Attacks offers steps for getting a handle on a dog's natural aggressiveness. In Stop Dog Barking, you'll learn how to bring all that barking to a stop with a single word. And with Leash Training: Stop Pulling on the Leash, you'll learn what the walk really means to a dog, how to stop them from biting and chewing the leash, and how to get them to stop pulling you to every lamp post and bush on your daily stroll.

If you think you've got an affinity for dog whispering, there's even training here aimed at helping you become a legitimate dog trainer and turn that skill into a thriving business.

With this deal, The All-in-One DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test and Dog Training Bundle is on sale for just $59.99.

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