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Add an extra layer of security while biking for under $50 with the One80 Bike Light

We all know that riding a bike is never totally safe. For all the precautions a rider can take, all it takes is for a motorist to lose focus for an instant to lead to tragedy for a cyclist. And unfortunately, that's been the ever-escalating trend for the past several years.

Nowhere is that danger more pronounced than when riders get on their bikes in the late evening. Between 2007 and 2017, nighttime crashes were responsible for more than 90 percent of the jump in deaths among pedestrians and cyclists. 

More often than not, poor visibility is the underlying cause of many of these horrible accidents, a trendy piece of equipment like the One80 Bike Light can help avoid. A longtime fixture in creating headlamps and other lighting gear, One80 applied many of those same traits to this light, starting with a game-changing 180 degrees of illumination. 

While many lights focus their beams directly forward, the One80 light offers full side-to-side peripheral visibility, pumping its hefty 500 lumens barrage in a wide-sweeping arch. It not only lights up a rider's sides for better ground lighting to avoid obstacles, but it also offers a much wider halo around each rider to call them out to traffic from all sides, especially those coming from behind. With light beaming in four directions, a rider is much easier for a driver to spot.

Made from alloy aluminum and successfully backed via Kickstarter and Indiegogo, the One80 Bike Light is waterproof to allow for continued use even in the worst of weather conditions, and the battery is rechargeable for up to 6 hours.

Easily attachable to the handlebar mount, the entire unit also snaps off with a quick-release function for use as a handy handheld flashlight as well. It's an added layer of protection and security that any rider can definitely appreciate whether they're in motion or not. It may not be as bright as laser cannons, but it's mighty effective.

Regularly priced at $50, shoppers can save $5 off the One80 Bike Light right now with this deal, lowering your total to just $44.99.   

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