Boing Boing

The time Joe Manchin's uncle tried to ban Garbage Pail Kids

No wonder Senator Joe Manchin is such a sourpuss. His uncle didn't let him have Garbage Pail Kids. In 1986 James Manchin, who was the West Virginia State Treasurer from 1985-89, went on a local news station to announce his disapproval of Garbage Pail Kids , a series of silly sticker trading cards featuring humorously gross and absurd characters.

Manchin, a very serious fellow, claimed the cards featured "mutilation, cannabalism, and torture" (true) and that children should not be looking at them (why not?). A child was interviewed about the cards and begged to differ. The kid says "the gross ones are the coolest."

Watch: 1986 Garbage Pail Kids controversy on West Virginia local news.

Which is your favorite card?

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