Boing Boing

Emmanuel the Emu was born to be a social media star

Twitter user "eco sister," whose name is Taylor Blake, has been blowing up the internet lately. Or, to be more precise, her emu, Emmanuel, has been getting a ton of attention. Taylor runs Knuckle Bump Farms, where Emmanuel and a host of other animals live. When Taylor tries to make educational videos about the farm and its animals, Emmanuel is always stealing the spotlight, strutting in front of the camera and trying to find his best angle. Hilarity ensues when Taylor tries to get him to stop (spoiler: he never stops!)

According to Kori Williams, writing for GreenMatters,

Knuckle Bump Farms is a mini cow hobby farm, with a TikTok run by Taylor Blake. Emmanuel the emu, whose full name is Emmanuel Todd Lopez, has been taking over when Blake makes videos about pretty much anything. Unfortunately, Blake doesn't always get her way, and in some videos, the emu can be seen knocking over her phone when she's talking even after she tries to get him to stop.

Go follow Taylor on Twitter or Knuckle Bump Farms on Instagram for more hilarious Emmanuel hijinks!

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