Boing Boing

Watch tribal people discover cheesecake

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Life is about indulging in simple pleasures. Don't get me wrong, the bigger pleasures are great too, but nothing beats the intimate slices of heaven on earth our reality is replete with. It's easy for those of us in the first world to overlook how lucky we are to enjoy such privileges and pleasures daily. We actually complain about having too many options to choose from when selecting what to watch on Netflix. As a result, I think it's vital that we continually remind ourselves about the litany of entertainment options and treats that litter our lifestyles.

Cheesecake has to occupy one of the top three slots of all the delicacies and treats mentioned above. In the video linked above from the YouTube channel Tribal People Try, you can watch, well, tribal people try some cheesecake. The video is the perfect antidote to the anxiety-inducing news cycle that we're all trapped in, riddled with war and disease.

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