Boing Boing

A UK collective of female elder punks bashing it out

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The Unglamorous Music project is Leicester-based collective of mainly older women who play punk rock music. The women, many in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, come together to play punk and celebrate their love for the genre. The members of the collective see punk rock as a way to express their frustrations and rebel against societal expectations, in this case, of those in their elder years. The women believe that punk empowers them to reclaim a place in a subculture that values individuality and non-conformity.

From The Guardian:

"The genius of punk is that you don't need to have played an instrument before starting. The main thing is your lyrics," she added. "Most bands are young, white men aged 19 to 23 and their lyrics are about their experiences. But put together women whose ages range from late 20s to early 70s, and their experience of life, their humour, their anger – these songs are absolutely brilliant."

The success of the project has, Miller says, been "overwhelming". At a gig on International Women's Day last March – just three months after setting up the project – Miller put five bands on stage. This March, there will be 12 bands ready to rock. A lavishly produced, compilation vinyl of their music is in production.

Fish, a former theatre producer, had no musical experience beyond playing the ukulele "to a very basic level" until she joined Unglamorous last year. Punk appealed to her because "it's time for the anarchic, loud, shouty stuff to happen again".

Here are more videos from a few bands mentioned in The Guardian piece:

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