Boing Boing

Please stop asking us to smile

I love the subreddit called "Malicious Compliance," which describes itself this way: "People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request." I truly love reading the stories of people ever-so-cleverly resisting while complying. If you've never tried it (reading the stories OR maliciously complying), you really should. Because, I'm just saying, every so often pettiness is the only answer.

In the spirit of malicious compliance, I present this hilarious video that Instagram user "Annie's Got a Bun" (who describes herself as "❤️‍🔥Wife 💕Mom 🏳️‍🌈Ally") recently posted of her daughter maliciously complying like an absolute pro. The first part of the video is from the dress rehearsal for her daughter's school musical. In the video you can see her daughter phoning it in, half-heartedly singing and dancing, with a mostly blank look on her face. Well, mom was having none of it and said to her that she should, for the actual performance, "try to smile more."

Well, her daughter took that suggestion a lot like most of us who have been asked to smile more probably do. In the video from the performance, you can see the daughter smiling in the most extreme, ridiculous, over-exaggerated way throughout the entire show. I gotta give this girl props—that kind of smiling must have been exhausting and even painful after a while, but her dedication did not waiver. You go, girl. You do not have to smile if you don't want to, and this was a perfect way to tell everyone to never say that to you again! I've not yet seen this video on the subreddit Malicious Compliance, but this girl is already the champion, in my book. 

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