resistance When her pink hair is banned from the office, woman maliciously complies by wearing ridiculous "natural"-colored wigs Jennifer Sandlin
mistakes Public inquiry launched after 736 UK post office workers falsely convicted of fraud Rob Beschizza
malicious compliance Woman paints fence bright colors to spite neighbors who made her cut 2ft off top Rob Beschizza
mistakes Canadian authorities hope that releasing low-quality photocopy of Yukon UFO photo will make people less interested in seeing the real thing Rob Beschizza
new zealand Mayor to sovereign citizen demanding private information about staff: "Go f✴ck yourself" Rob Beschizza
law Company that tried to pay settlement with 3 tons of coins ordered to cut a check instead—and to pay $8k more for the coins nonsense Rob Beschizza
coachella Coachella threatens legal action against comedian's imaginary music festival, Fauxchella Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets Genius Bar says it'll cost $1200 to fix MacBook. Third-party repairman replaces worn $35 cable. Rob Beschizza
Business As Chinese P2P lending bubble bursts, "investors" mob Chinese sports-stadiums used as temporary processing centers Cory Doctorow
Copyfight EFF has appealed the W3C's decision to make DRM for the web without protections Cory Doctorow