Boing Boing

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert fight on the House floor: "Little bitch…"

Congress creeps Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) and Lauren Boebert (CO), who in January had a mean girl fight in a Capitol bathroom, had it out again today — this time right in the center aisle of the House floor.

"You've been nothing but a bitch…" Greene allegedly said to Boebert's face, according to three witnesses who told the Daily Beast — one who said it was actually "little bitch."

According to Daily Beast, the two power hungry lawmakers are competing to impeach President Biden, and Greene blew up when she discovered that "Boebert leveraged a procedural tool to force a vote on her own impeachment resolution within days—undercutting Greene, who had offered her own resolution, but not with the procedural advantages of forcing a vote."

From Daily Beast:

According to two of the sources, Greene then stood up and alleged that Boebert "copied my articles of impeachment," to which the Colorado lawmaker fired back that she hadn't even read Greene's resolution.

"I've donated to you, I've defended you. But you've been nothing but a little bitch to me," Greene told Boebert, according to a source who witnessed the exchange. "And you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them."

"OK, Marjorie, we're through," Boebert then said, shrugging her shoulders.

With Boebert's back turned, ​​Greene responded: "We were never together."

Watch the incident on video below (posted by Acyn), which was caught on a C-SPAN camera, but sadly (or not) without the sound.

Front page thumbnail image: C-SPAN

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