Boing Boing

High school changes every kid's password to "ch@ngeme" resulting in everyone reading everyone else's stuff

Photo: fizkes / Shutterstock

A classic for the Halfwit's Guide to Information Security: change everyone's password to something obviously low-security that encourages them to reset their way to something better. Better still, give them all the same low-security password, so they can all get into one anothers' accounts. Welcome to Oak Park and River Forest High School in Illinois.

Last week, Oak Park and River Forest (OPRF) High School in Illinois told parents that during a cybersecurity audit, "due to an unexpected vendor error, the system reset every student's password, preventing students from being able to log in to their Google account."

"To fix this, we have reset your child's password to Ch@ngeme! so that they can once again access their Google account. This password change will take place beginning at 4 p.m. today," the school, which has around 3,000 students, wrote in an email dated June 22. "We strongly suggest that your child update this password to their own unique password as soon as possible."

Wouldn't it be funny if the unique passwords are all 8-character dictionary words that never get changed because the reset password system has all sorts of theatrical "password strength" requirements.

Note in passing the dependence upon consumer Google services for schoolwork.

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