Boing Boing

The Rowboat Bath allowed bathers of 1916 to feel like their tub was a boat

The Rowboat Bath allowed bathers of 1916 to feel like their tub was a boat. The Rowboat Bath was essentially a bath with a peculiar looking metal dustpan on two rubber cords that splashed water on the bather as they "rowed".

I'm cracking up at both the image used to advertise this bath, and the fact that a grown adult decided this was their idea of fun. Alas, the Rowboat Bath was not a big hit amongst the general public.

From Public Domain Review:

" The device promises to secure "the zest which accompanies the pleasant pastime of buffeting surf". It seems, however, that the general public did not quite share the excitement of the article, or the ecstatic model it depicts, as nothing much more is heard of the invention again (although we did find mention of a similarly named device from 1904)."

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