Boing Boing

Pneuhaus's wild inflatable sculptures

Would you lay down inside of this inflatable sculpture that reacts to wind? I sure would! Created by Pneuhaus (instagram), this public sculpture has a bunch of moving parts that react to the wind. 

Both the outside and inside of the sculpture are visually engaging, especially when the wind starts blowing the sculptures limbs every which way. It looks both relaxing and totally exciting to lay inside of this colorful dome. 

From Instagram:

"Introducing our latest piece, Currents. Made for @shelburnemuseum 's Pop up: Inflated Sculpture exhibition, it will be up for the next 2 months on their amazing property.

Air pressure, although invisible, is what makes all of our projects work. For this piece we decided to create a sculpture that responds to the wind, making its subtle shifts visible to the naked eye.

This was a very fun project to build which has given us a lot of ideas for future spaces, we particularly like the sensation of being inside (third video)."

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