Boing Boing

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 to take up staggering 213 gigabytes of storage space

In in-game screenshot from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

It seems that Microsoft's recent acquisition of Call of Duty developer Activision-Blizzard hasn't done much to curb their data-hoarding practices. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which enters Early Access today, weighs in at a staggering 213 gigabytes of SSD-only storage space. For reference, that's roughly a third of the entire usable storage space for a PS5 and fifteen times the size of Skyrim.

It's become increasingly obvious recently that triple-A developers don't want you to play any games that aren't theirs, and ballooning install sizes that seem to gleefully flout such simple optimization strategies as compressing their damn audio files quite literally force players to sacrifice their other games on the altar of CoD.

Big-budget games took their first step over the hundred-gigabyte mark with the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2 in 2018, so seeing the two-hundred mark passed so soon is concerning, to say the least. Better invest in a hard drive or two.

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