Boing Boing

Standing by the antisemite, Tesla drops Disney+ in retaliation

Image: Boing Boing/MidJourney

Tesla has dropped Disney+ from its cars because Elon Musk is mad that Bob Iger listened to him.

Musk, speaking from the place of the owner and actual person in charge of the social network only he calls X, Musk told Disney and other of its remaining advertising customers to "fuck off" if they were mad about his antisemitism. Musk saw their withdrawal from his platform over his antisemitic comment as "blackmail." These brands were voting with their dollar.

It seems Tesla is backing up Twitter. I doubt Disney will care beyond finding itself in the news. This certainly isn't going to make Twitter look like a good place to put advertising dollars.


We were told that Tesla didn't officially give a reason to Disney, but the message was sort of "read between the lines."

If that's really the case, and Elon told Tesla to remove Disney+ from its cars because he thinks it is too woke, and he is mad that it pulled their advertising from X, then that's some childish temper tantrum nonsense.

Personally, I believe it because of the chronology of the situation. It seemed rushed, with Tesla first saying they would pull the app and then changing it to only removing it from cars of owners who had never used it before, probably realizing that it would negatively affect their owners.

But even then, what if some Tesla owners never used it but planned to eventually? And why is a public company with lots of stakeholders performing revenge on private company Twitter/X's perceived "enemies"?

This is so dumb. Not your best moment, Elon.

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