Boing Boing

Billionaire Gina Rinehart demands National Gallery of Australia remove portrait of her

Rinehart, left, as painted by Namatjira, and right, as seen in a publicity photo

Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart, the country's wealthiest person, has demanded that Australia's National Gallery remove a portrait that displeases her. It has declined to do so and, moreover, the attempt has given Vincent Namatjira's painting worldwide exposure that it had not previously attracted.

The National Gallery has rebuffed efforts to have the picture taken down and said in a statement that it welcomed public dialogue on its collection and displays. "Since 1973, when the National Gallery acquired Jackson Pollock's Blue Poles, there has been a dynamic discussion on the artistic merits of works in the national collection, and/or on display at the gallery," it said. "We present works of art to the Australian public to inspire people to explore, experience and learn about art." … A reproduction of the image is also part of a prestigious Thames & Hudson monograph about Namatjira's work, published to accompany the survey show.

The portrait is in keeping with Namatjira's signature style and his other living subjects seem not to be bothered by his unflattering portrayals, a collage of which we present below. In fact I rather fancy Charles might fancy a swap. On the other hand, he's yet to get to Barbra Streisand.

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