Indie record store owner to Hollywood's MP: Get bent!

The owner of She Said Boom, my favorite indie record store in Toronto, has posted a notice in the window of his shop decrying Sam Bulte, the Liberal Member of Parliament who takes huge campaign contributions from the entertainment lobby and then tries to enact draconian copyright laws that mirror the US's worst legislation, stuff that has criminalized tens of millions of music fans, to the detriment of musicians and fans alike. — Read the rest

Hollywood's MP denounces "users," "EFF members" — video

Last night at an all-candidates meeting, the Canadian Member of Parliament who takes large campaign contributions from the entertainment industry and delivers American-style copyright laws in return was confronted by her constituents, who demanded that she account for her actions.

Sam Bulte is the Liberal MP for Parkdale/High Park, and is running for her third term in office. — Read the rest

Online Rights Canada launches campaign against Hollywood's MP

Ren sez,

I wanted to let you know that (or "ORC"), a new Canadian grassroots collaboration between EFF and CIPPIC, just launched an online petition drive on Sam Bulte's copyright-for-cash scandal. People can voice their support for Michael Geist's "Copyright Pledge," which asks all politicians to swear off money from copyright lobbyists if they're involved in setting copyright policy.

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Hollywood's Canadian politico lies about her approach to lawmaking

Hollywood's favorite Canadian Member of Parliament lied in a radio interview about her inclusion of the interests of Internet users in her lawmaking efforts.

Canadian copyright scholar Michael Geist reports on a radio program in which Sam Bulte (the Canadian MP who takes campaign finance from multinational entertainment companies and delivers laws that mirror the failed US copyright statutes that entertainment companies paid for there) claimed that the copyright committee she chaired delivered good representation to Internet users. — Read the rest

Editorial cartoons that mock Hollywood's pocket Canadian lawmaker

Joey "AccordionGuy" DeVilla is producing a series of images that make fun of a corrupt Canadian Member of Parliament who lives in multi-national entertainment companies' pockets.

Sam Bulte is the Canadian Liberal MP who has taken the unprecedented step of raising gigantic sums of campaign money from the copyright cartel and then delivering draconian copyright laws that follow the failed US model of criminalizing millions of file-sharers. — Read the rest

Canadian music entrepreneur to Hollywood's MP: get bent!

Not all musicians and labels want multinational corporations to buy overbroad copyright laws in Canada. Neil Leyton, owner of the Canadian Creative Commons music-label Fading Ways, has issued a press-release decrying the entertainment cartel's funding of Sam Bulte's electroal campaign.

Bulte is the Liberal MP who is campaigning for her third seat in Parliament after receiving unprecedented campaign donations from entertainment and pharmaceutical companies in her previous campaigns. — Read the rest

Hollywood's Canadian politician: history of a sellout

A legal scholar has investigated the past fundraising of a Canadian politician who was recently outed for taking campaign contributions from the copyright cartel and delivering restrictive copyright laws in return. He concludes that while the Member of Parliament claims that funding doesn't influence her politicking, it wasn't until the campaign contributions began to roll in that she took any interest in copyright law. — Read the rest

Hollywood's Canadian MP claims she's no dirtier than the rest

Sam Bulte, a Canadian Liberal Member of Parliament, has been exposed in the national media for funding her campaign with large cash contributions from the entertainment industry and subsequently delivering Drconian, American-style copyright laws while in office.

Last week, I blogged about Bulte's unique, US-style campaign, wherein Bulte rewards her corporate contributors by making laws that extend their monopolies and undermine the public interest. — Read the rest

Hollywood's Canadian Member of Parliament

Even more damning information surfaced on Sam Bulte, a dirty Canadian Member of Parliament who took funds from entertainment company and later introduced extreme copyright laws/

I've been blogging about the Canadian Liberal MP who has used American-style political hucksterism from US copyright industries to finance her campaign, and who has introduced numerous extreme copyright laws. — Read the rest

Canadian MP imports US's worst copyright AND dirty campaign financing

Sam Bulte, Canada's Liberal MP who takes giant campaign contributions from the entertainment industry in exchange for delivering US-style ridiculous copyright laws, is a lot dirtier than previously suspected.

Michael Geist has published an investigation into the sources of funding for Bulte's election campaigns, and shows that Bulte — who wrote a report advocating the most extreme copyright restrictions imaginable and championed the Canada's Bill C60 copyright law proposal — receives funds from across the copyright industries. — Read the rest

Bulte (Canadian MP) gets big entertainment bucks, promises new copyrights

Sam Bulte, the Canadian Liberal Party MP for Parkdale/High Park is having her election campaign bankrolled by the Canadian entertainment cartel. Bulte previously authored a one-sided report proposing crazy, US-style copyright laws for Canada, and now her pals from the Canadian Recording Industry Association are throwing her a $250/plate fundraiser — just the kind of high-ticket event that the poor artists Bulte claims to represent can't afford to attend. — Read the rest