Canada futurism: how the net can foster and harm independence

Karl Schroeder, the author of many fantastic sf novels (most recently the swashbuckling space-pirates post-Singularity book Sun of Suns) has written an excellent vingnette for the WorldChanging series on sustainability in Canada, CanadaChanging. In it, Karl writes about the way that Inuit communities in Nunavut might find the Internet to be a force for independence and a threat to their identity all at once. — Read the rest

AccordionGuy's notes from Cory's reading

Joey "AccordionGuy" DeVilla attended my reading last night at the Merril Collection; he's posted great notes on the event:

I arrived about ten minutes into Cory's session, during a reading of what I later found out was Human Readable. Every seat in the Merril room was full; many were occupied by what The Onion might term "high-profile Area Nerds".

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12 Reasons to Pre-Order my Novel

I've put up a page called "12 Reasons to Pre-Order Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom," with blurbs by twelve people telling you why they think you should buy it. Here're the blurbers:

  1. Bruce Sterling
  2. Lawrence Lessig
  3. Kelly Link
  4. Mark Frauenfelder
  5. Karl Schroeder
  6. Rudy Rucker
  7. Howard Rheingold
  8. Douglas Rushkoff
  9. Tim O'Reilly
  10. Bruce Schneier
  11. Gardner Dozois
  12. Mitch Kapor

And the blurbs are great, like this one:


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Permanence: Must-read sf

My pal and sometime-co-author Karl Schroeder's new novel, "Permanence" is finally out. I had the good fortune to workshop this book over the course of a year or so, and it's wonderful. The book is set against a backdrop of copyright-maximialist galactic civilization in which all sensoria is mediated, and depending on which license fees you pay, you see and hear different parts of the real world (i.e., — Read the rest

The Complete Idiot's Guide to

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Science Fiction. I co-wrote the Guide last year with Karl Schroeder, who's launched an excellent Squishdot site for discussion of the advice in the book. I think it's a hell of a book, and the site's a little sparse at the moment, but still way, way cool. — Read the rest

Ventus, the fantastic sf

Ventus, the fantastic sf novel by my pal and former collaborator, Karl Schroeder, is a New York Times "Best Book of 2001." Here's the Locus Magazine announcement: Link. Here's Karl's site, which includes two short but hallucinogenic excerpts from the book: Link. — Read the rest