Snip from the manifesto for, which launches on Monday:
We believe that the Internet is a crucial engine for economic growth and democratic discourse. We urge Congress to take steps now to preserve network neutrality, a guiding principle of the Internet, and to ensure that the Internet remains open to innovation and progress.
Network neutrality is the Internet’s First Amendment. Without it, the Internet is at risk of losing the openness and accessibility that has revolutionized democratic participation, economic innovation and free speech.
From its beginnings, the Internet was built on a cooperative, democratic ideal. It has leveled the playing field for all comers. Everyday people can have their voices heard by thousands, even millions of people. Network neutrality has prevented gatekeepers from blocking or discriminating against new economic, political and social ideas.
The major telecommunications legislation now under consideration in Congress must include meaningful and enforceable network neutrality requirements to keep the Internet free and open to all.
* The Blog: Featuring regular updates and commentary on the state of the campaign. The blog is also a tool for feedback and discussion from activists and organizers.
* The Coalition Profile: Keeping tabs on our growing numbers
* F.A.Q.: Untangling often complex issues of network neutrality
* Press: Gallery of Coalition press releases and coverage
* Action: Petition to Congress.
* Map: An interactive guide to tracking House Commerce Committee votes and calling Representatives.
* Coalition Sign Up: *Tell other organizations to join the Coalition here.
Link (thanks, Sascha Meinrath!)