Internet funnyguy Jesse Thorn produced an audio-theater adaptation of George Saunders' short story "Ask the Optimist," from Saunders' new book, The Braindead Megaphone. Many talented people voiced parts. They couldn't get anyone talented to voice the last part so, har har, that's me.
The Optimist – Andy Daly
Mad – Jen Kirkman
Hurt But – Jonathan Coulton
W – James Adomian
Small Penis – John Hodgman
Not Altogether Hopeful – Maria Bamford
Turkey – Jonathan Katz
Ralph, the New Optimist – Dan Klein
Judy – Xeni Jardin
Link to audio, and you can also dig it in video form, re-enacted by puppets from Brian Hogg of Hoggworks.
Buy Saunders' latest book, which includes this story, here: Link.
(Thanks for the epic lulz, Jesse Thorn!)