More news on the Draft Lessig front: a couple days ago, I posted here about the movement to draft Larry Lessig to run for Congress to fill Tom Lantos's recently vacated seat. Now, Larry's put up a "Lessig08" site with a video that explains the nature of his "anti-corruption" campaign to reform government to reduce the perverting effect of money on public policy. The site does not say that Larry will run for Congress, but it does invite you to show support for the idea so that Larry can gauge whether it's feasible for him to make a run without taking any corporate or special-interest money.
This site hosts this video to explain the launch of two exploratory projects – first, a Change Congress movement, and second, my own decision whether to run for Congress in the California 12th.
I have decided I want to give as much energy as I can to the Change Congress movement. I will decide in the next week or so whether it makes sense to advance that movement by running for Congress.