This incredibly detailed Quake 3 Simpsons map looks like it'd be a hell of a lot of fun to play — especially if you skinned the bad guys as Worker and Parasite.
Today, my friend sent me a photo of this unique contraption that they saw on the side of the road. The contraption looks like part of a tractor, combined with… READ THE REST
When a human decided to break open a delicious looking, chocolate filled pastry, their cat decided that would be the perfect time to cause some shenanigans. The cat unapologetically puts… READ THE REST
A woman held out a tasty-looking bun for two golden retrievers to snack on, but one of them was in no mood to share. So while his brother was chilling… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Save over 53% on this LED corner floor lamp that could give your home a serious revamp in the new year, now $69.99 (reg. $149). Moving into a new apartment in the new year?… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Skip the subscription stress and get Microsoft Office Professional 2021 with all your favorite productivity tools for $59.97. Why rent when you can own it for life? Until February 23, score… READ THE REST
TL;DR: GoCable is the pocket-sized 8-in-1 charger that powers everything while also featuring a built-in cutter and bottle opener for $20.99 (reg. $44.99). If you've ever found yourself rummaging through a bag… READ THE REST