Designer Sander Mulder has a line of modular cabinets inspired by shipping containers, "one of the best known industrial archetypes." They're beautiful, but I wish they were actually made out of shipping containers!
The Most Mario Colors my be the "silliest" post Louie Mantla's ever written, but it's fun and scientific and perfectly fascinating study of the use of color in Super Mario… READ THE REST
This incredible tool organizer, created by an unknown maker, is also wonderful as a piece of art on the wall. The organizer is made simply yet beautifully. It consists of… READ THE REST
Sandisk isn't the most exciting company, unless your kink is price-effective consumer data storage options. It has a new logo, though, and the new logo is good! The corporate trend… READ THE REST
TL;DR: I got fed up with my Microsoft 365 subscription, so I decided to grab this Microsoft Office 2024 lifetime license while it was discounted to $140. Check out what I thought!… READ THE REST
TL;DR: This VPN router can unblock content on your streaming services without subscription fees. Get it for $149.97 (reg. $219). Your Netflix is a ghost town—especially since they removed Friends and The Office (major RIP). If you're still mourning… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Want your paycheck to stretch farther while grocery shopping? Find better value by joining Sam's Club with this 1-year membership that comes with Auto-Renew, now just $20 (reg. $50). You've seen… READ THE REST
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