Boing Boing

Workpoop: Wacky factoid, or creepy boss micromanagement tool?


How much do you get paid to poop? That's the question asked by, a Web site that will, helpfully, time your restroom breaks and then calculate how much money you make while on the toilet using that time, the number of times you go per week and your hourly salary. I'm torn between three feelings here: First, a childish glee; Second, a childish disappointment that I can't really participate, what with not having an hourly salary; and Third, the creeping sensation that, somewhere, somebody's boss is using this to shorten their break times.

Workpoop, your pay-per-poo calculator. Via Barfblog.

BoingBoing: We have a lot of archived articles about poop.

Image from Flickr user lilit, via CC.

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