Boing Boing

Bloomberg's amazing — and rejected — Mitt Romney cover

It's not hard to see why Bloomberg Businessweek chose not to run with this remarkable illustration of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The creative director is Richard Turley; the rest of the design crew follows:

Creative Director: Richard Turley
Design Director: Cynthia Hoffman
Graphic Director: Jennifer Daniel
Graphics Editor: Kenton Powell, Evan Applegate
Director of Photography: David Carthas
Art Director: Robert Vargas
Designers: Maayan Pearl, Lee Wilson, Chandra Illick and Shawn Hasto
Design Manager: Emily Anton

Compare to NYMag's latest cover, which uses the same theme, but is so crudely, cartoonishly photoshopped that it lacks the Bloomberg image's bloody impact.

[via Cover Junkie]

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