Boing Boing

Stone tools with plastic handles

Israeli designers Ami Drach and Dov Ganchrow presented their modern stone and flint tools at the Budapest Design Week. The pair combined hand-chipped blades and axes with modern high-impact plastic handles, to make tools that are beautiful and functional. I'd love to have one of those knives around the office. Designboom has more pics, and commentary:

the set is a result of an experimental exploration of the realm of tool making. where stone and flint tools have been the means of
our ancestors' survival for over a million years, they magnify our bodily (teeth, fingernails, fists etc.) capabilities of cutting and chopping,
sawing and pounding. through a method of three-dimensionally scanning and printing, the ancient artifacts are digitally outfitted with
custom-designed handles, encapsulating the rugged forms in a perfectly enclosed case. by juxtaposing the polarities of the
manufacturing processes in computer generated forms, an intersection of material technologies and functionality coincide on a tangible scale.

modern stone + flint tools by ami drach + dov ganchrow

(via Neatorama)

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