Boing Boing

Report on making your own cleaning products

If you've ever considered making your own household cleaning products, you've probably asked yourself the following questions: Does it save money? Does it take a lot of time? Do they work as well as commercially made products? Gerri Detweiler of wanted the answers so she tried making her own laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and all purpose cleaner. She was pleased with the laundry and dishwasher detergents, but found the all purpose cleaner to be somewhat lacking.

"These simple recipes gave me the confidence to try more. And that's usually what happens, Matt Jabs [co-author of DIY Natural Household Cleaners] says: 'A lot of people just can't believe that it's going to work…because we've been conditioned through the excellent advertising agencies and commercials they make that (commercial products are) great. But really, it does work. So just start with one project and then go from there. It's very exciting.'" Making your own household cleaning products

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