Boing Boing

Stop toying with us, <em>Arrested Development</em>: Netflix denies rumored premiere date

Let's end 2012 with some truthiness: gossip site Oh No They Didn't got wind of some new details concerning the fourth season of Arrested Development and its upcoming premiere on Netflix. Apparently, a publicity site for Fox prematurely posted a new image, a May 4, 2013 premiere date, and a list of episode titles before taking it all down. A few sites have reported this as the official release date, but Vulture contacted a Netflix representative who said the date "is wrong."

A debunked rumor is not the most fun way to start out a year of heavily-anticipated entertainment, but at least we know it's on its way! (I'd still count on a May premiere. Seems like it would make a lot of sense — just as all the network shows are ending, the Bluths swoop in and save us all from summer programming.)

Photo credit: Entertainment Weekly

(via Cinema Blend)

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