Boing Boing

Kickstarting a standing desk supported by empty bottles

Simon sez, "I'm a 19 year old Computer Science student and increasingly got neck ache from sitting at my computer. I read blog posts on the benefits of standing desks so tried a plank rested on CD drives. My neck felt great but my desk was ugly. So I set about designing the perfect standing desk, combining beauty, functionality, and ergonomics. The result — which I'm funding on Kickstarter — is a stunning standing desk precisely laser cut from birch plywood, crystal clear acrylic and soft natural cork with reused glass bottles for legs.

Cork is used to make the entire front edge a soft comfortable palm rest. There is a drawer lined with cork to protect small gadgets. A keyboard shelf slides peripherals away from dust. Backstops with cable slots stop pens or wires dropping behind the desk. The transparent surfaces make finding items in the drawer fast and feeding wires through the cable management hole easy. Finally, reusing bottles for legs means you can select the perfect size to make the desk an ergonomic height for you."

The desks are lovely, but Simon doesn't list any manufacturing experience in his bio. The usual kickstarter caveats apply: even if this is funded, you may never get anything for your money. Simple risers are £50; the desk is £300 and up.

SG Designed Laser Cut Standing Desks

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