Boing Boing

Theses distilled to one (snarky) sentence

Lol My Thesis invites PhD candidates to submit snarky, one-sentence summaries of their theses ("Female condoms are cool. Also, Foucault." — Anthropology, Brown; "We dug a lot of holes and still don't know if measuring beryllium in dirt is useful, but it does cost a lot of money." –Geology, Amherst College). This is surprisingly funny. Feel free to summarize your term papers, theses, and dissertations in the comments.

Let's apply anthropological theories to LDS missionary efforts, and, in the process, probably offend some people with our analysis.

— Anthropology, Grinnell College

A mathematical theory of discarding irrelevant crap when making a team decision.

— Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

The only time when DC Comics was not bad at female characters was when they had none.

— History, Dominican University of California.

The way fire risk at nuclear plants is assessed is bad and we should feel bad. Also, someone please pay me to fix it.

–Reliability Engineering, University of Maryland

Lol My Thesis

(via JWZ)

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