crime You will be helped! Research using real-world situations fails to replicate the "bystander effect" Cory Doctorow
health For the first time, you can search the database of money that publicly funded researchers in Illinois received from pharma companies Cory Doctorow
Science More than 800 Russian academic articles retracted after "bombshell" report reveals plagiarism and other misconduct Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Machine learning is innately conservative and wants you to either act like everyone else, or never change Cory Doctorow
corruption Doctors who take pharma industry freebies prescribe more of their benefactors' drugs Cory Doctorow
education Bernie Sanders got the GAO to study the life chances of millennials, and the report concludes that debt is "crushing their dreams" Cory Doctorow
scholarship Facebook promised to provide academics data to study disinformation, but their foot-dragging has endangered the whole project Cory Doctorow
security Model stealing, rewarding hacking and poisoning attacks: a taxonomy of machine learning's failure modes Cory Doctorow
Business "Harbinger households": neighborhoods that consistently buy products that get discontinued, buy real-estate that underperforms, and donate to losing political candidates Cory Doctorow
politics The Oligarch Game: use coin-tosses to demonstrate "winner take all" and its power to warp perceptions Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tiny alterations in training data can introduce "backdoors" into machine learning models Cory Doctorow
Business Ecommerce sites' mobile templates hide information that shoppers use to save money Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy is looking for engineering, social science, law, and policy "visitors" for interdisciplinary one-year positions Cory Doctorow
censorship Genetic Evasion: using genetic algorithms to beat state-level internet censorship Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tpmfail: a timing attack that can extract keys from secure computing chips in 4-20 minutes Cory Doctorow