Boing Boing

How Medium designed its underlines

Marcin Wichary is a designer at Medium who took on the challenge of creating a considered, fine-tuned underline for the links on the site. In contrast to the normal "data-driven" design story, which is often a series of A/B tests that nudge things around by a pixel or two for weeks until they attain some counterintuitive optimum, this is a story about someone who had an intuitive, artistic, aesthetic goal and spent a bunch of time getting HTML to behave in a way that was consistent across different browsers, screen resolutions, and so forth.

I have to say that the actual underlines that Medium came up with don't seem to me to be more or less appealing than the default (the GIF above is displaying a before-and-after and I still can't tell which is which without referring to the article), but I really enjoy stories about people who know what aesthetic effect they want to achieve and are willing to move heaven and earth to achieve it.

I carried on, adding more and more complexity and magic numbers to my suggested change. And this is where the code reviewers started asking the truly hard and important questions: Is this too complicated? Will this make the CSS too heavy? How would we maintain it? What happens if this fails?

And so, during the following weeks, I worked on:

coming up with formulas rather than arbitrary values — in the event of changing the fonts or font sizes in the future, adjusting the underline positions would be much easier and faster,

limiting the browsers we use so that in the case of failure, the reader could see the default browser underlines (rather than not seeing them at all!),

simplifying the code so that while we might not get the perfect underlines, we could save both the bytes and future maintenance costs.

Crafting link underlines on Medium [Marcin Wichary/Medium]

(via Waxy)

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