Boing Boing

2014 Locus Award finalists, including Homeland

The finalists for the 2014 Locus Awards have been announced and I'm incredibly honored to see that my novel Homeland made the final five in the Young Adult category. The competition in that category is remarkably good company: Zombie Baseball Beatdown by Paolo Bacigalupi; Holly Black's Coldest Girl in Coldtown, Cat Valente's The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two (part of her wonderful Fairyland series) and The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson.

As always, the Locus list is a great guide to the best sf/f published in the previous year. On this year's list are some books I really enjoyed (like Stross's Neptune's Brood) and others I've got in my high-priority to-be-read pile, like Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

My sincere thanks to everyone who nominated Homeland for the prize; I couldn't be more delighted!

2014 Locus Awards Finalists

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