Boing Boing

Hack Circus, Brighton: fantasy technology and everyday magic

F writes, "The third Hack Circus event will take place in Brighton on June 14th and the theme this time is Access All Areas. The event will feature former social engineer Nick Drage sharing true stories of breaking into computers, banks, offices and even airports. Artist Sinead McDonald will 3D print the audience's brainwaves live, and transport historian Dr Ralph Harrington will talk about the cultural and military impact of the humble bulldozer. Sci-fi author Chris Farnell will question scientist Alexandra Pohl about a laser-deflecting forcefield that she has helped develop, in theory at least, at the University of Leicester.

Hack Circus is a magazine and event series founded by Leila Johnston, creator of parody gamebook Enemy of Chaos and popular geek podcast Shift Run Stop. It's being developed during her residency at Lighthouse Arts in Brighton. Arts organisations are embracing the creative in creative technology! The third issue of the magazine will be launched at the event."

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