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Jordan Wolfson's "Female Figure" (2014): a dancing animatronic that wants to help.

Jordan Wolfson's piece (Female Figure) 2014 is an animatronic robot that dances in front of a large mirror, while at the same time seeking eye contact with the spectator. Jordan Wolfson's work has been chosen by the curators Hans Ulrich Obrist and Klaus Biesenbach as an epilogue to the Live Art exhibition 14 Rooms, which ran concurrently to this year's Art Basel art fair in Basel (Switzerland).

14 Rooms was presented by Fondation Beyeler, Art Basel, and Theater Basel. The curators Klaus Biesenbach and Hans Ulrich Obrist invited fourteen international artists to each activate a room, exploring the relationship between space, time, and physicality with an artwork whose "material" is the human being. Jordan Wolfson's kinetic piece (Female Figure) 2014 is not performed by human beings, but a robot, and can be seen as a look into the future.

Jordan Wolfson: (Female Figure) 2014

(via JWZ)

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