I have frequent bouts of insomnia, the kind where I fall asleep easily but wake up at 2am and have trouble falling back asleep. One of the best ways for me to go back to sleep is listening to a podcast. I tried that last week with Tim Ferriss' 3-part podcast interview Kevin Kelly, but I was so interested that I couldn't fall asleep. I've know Kevin since the late 1980s when he was editor of the Whole Earth Review and I traded him a subscription to the magazine for a subscription to bOING bOING, but he is still full of surprises!
What's in the podcast:
- Kevin Kelly's biggest regret
- His lesson in finding contentment in minimalism and "volunteer simplicity"
- How he realized that writing actually creates ideas
- Why he promised himself that he would never resort to teaching English while traveling abroad
- The "creator's dilemma," or how you have to go lower to get higher
- Why you don't want to be a billionaire
- His realizations after doing a "6 months until death" challenge
- His Kickstarter-funded project linking angels and robots
- Why a self-proclaimed ex-hippie waited until his 50th birthday to try LSD for the first time
- Why a population implosion is probable in the next 100 years
- The greatest gift you can give to your child
- The criteria for Amish technology assimilation
- What technology-free sabbaticals can do for you
- Long Now Foundation's vision of a better civilization
- The graphic novel for young people on how to become indispensable
- His favorite fiction book
- The great resource Kevin compiled for documentary lovers
- How he accumulated enough books to fill a two-story library
- Mythbuster's Adam Savage's organizational method, which transformed Kevin's life
- The project that everyone should undertake at least once in life
- The advice he would give to his younger self