Boing Boing

Not one Republican Senator voted for campaign finance reform

The entire GOP Senate caucus voted against Tom Udall's proposed Constitutional amendment that would have allowed states to set rules limiting campaign contributions, overturning the notorious Citizens United Supreme Court decision that found that money was a form of protected speech.

The final vote was 54 senators for ending debate and allowing the idea to come to a vote, and 42 against ending debate.

"I am extremely disappointed that not one Republican voted today to stop billionaires from buying elections and undermining American democracy," Sen. Bernard Sanders, a Vermont independent who aligns with Democrats on this issue, said in a statement after the vote. "The fight to overturn Citizens United must continue at the grassroots level in every state in this country."

Is money still speech? Yes, as constitutional amendment bid fails in Senate. [Mark Trumbull/Christian Science Monitor]

(Image: Citizens United Carpet Bombing Democracy – Cartoon, DonkeyHotey, CC-BY)

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