Boing Boing

Digital rights news from 2025

European Digital Rights has published 300 Edrigrams — crucial newsletters on all things digital in the EU — and to celebrate, the 300th edition features 37 pages of news from the year 2025.

The special edition includes my short Wired UK piece about a very welcome announcement at Prime Minister's Question Time in the UK, as well as pieces by Dunja Mijatović, Hans de Zwart, Simon Davies, Jillian C. York, Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Joe McNamee, Jesper Lund, Kirsten Fiedler, Erich Moechel, Raegan MacDonald, Estelle Massé, Douwe Korff, Bogdan Manolea, Monica Horten and Annie Machon.

It's a free PDF, and will soon be a DRM-free ebook. It's all CC-BY-SA, too.

EDRi-gram 300: Digital rights news from 2025

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