Unsurprisingly, the occupied Malheur Wildlife Refuge buildings contain over 4000 native artifacts, belonging to the Burns Paiute tribe. The militant rebels are not making the native Americans feel good about their occupation, and apparently call the natives "savages."
The Burns Paiute Tribe is rightly demanding the United States live up to treaty obligations, and prosecute any damages to their artifacts and archaeological resources.
Occupation leader Ammon Bundy, from Arizona and son of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher involved in a standoff with the federal government over copy million in unpaid grazing fees on public land, has offered to meet with the tribe but the tribe says he has no right to hold their history hostage and have refused to grant him even the appearance of such authority by meeting with him.
"Some of the members of the community were open to them," Roderique says, "when they first came but now the county chained and locked everything up and said no you can't have your meeting in town."
Harney County officials have stated they will not allow the militants to use any county-owned building for fear of more takeovers of public property.
"They tried to ask us for our gathering center and our facility was booked up. We just kind of laughed and said they want to use our 'savage' facilities?"
Roderique was referencing a "Harney County Committee of Safety" website made by supporters of the takeover who profess to exist "to secure the property and lives of the association members from threats from the savages."