Beginning with "Coronasweeper" this week, I am on a tear of bringing you the finest-quality reskinnings of Minesweeper available on the intertubes. I am losing sleep over this, people.
Now: Behold "Hexceed", a version of Minesweeper, except with hexagons.
As Graham Smith describes it at Rock Paper Shotgun:
Each puzzle begins with a board of blank hexagons, with one pre-marked safe-to-click title. You mark tiles as safe by left-clicking them, which will reveal a number. As in Minesweeper, the number indicates the number of adjacent tiles that are "dangerous". You mark a dangerous tile by right-clicking. A puzzle is solved when all tiles have been correctly identified. [snip]
I've never been stuck for long, but the puzzles do introduce twists and complications. Tiles can be divided by walls which prevent a numbered tile from reflecting the danger that might be on the other side. Some tiles show the total number of dangerous tiles within a marked region, or in an entire row. You learn to piece this information together pretty quickly, too.
Despite the puzzles being relatively easy to complete so far, they still take some time, and there are lots of them. I've been playing for three hours and I'm just about done with the tutorial island, which contains 46 levels. There are 360 more levels to play for free after that.
I'm probably not going to play it, since I have been, and always will be, terrible at Minesweeper and all of its variants; I think I'm missing a gland or something that you need to solve its logicks. But if anyone here is a fan of this genre, it looks pretty cool.