Boing Boing

New York governor Andrew Cuomo accused of sexually assaulting aide

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Photo: SHARON CANTILLON / REUTERS

A special advisor to New York governor Andrew Cuomo says he forced her to kiss him in 2018, among other degrading experiences at his hands.

The aide, Lindsey Boylan, described several years of uncomfortable interactions with Mr. Cuomo, a third-term Democrat, including an invitation to play strip poker on a government airplane and an email from another top aide suggesting that the governor thought she was a "better looking sister" of another woman.

Ms. Boylan, who worked for the state's economic development agency at the time, published that email from December 2016, and said the governor began calling her the other woman's name in professional settings, an experience she described as "degrading."

As a bullying misogynist fraud in politics, Cuomo has everything Trump has except wealth. But he has one thing Trump never had: the overwhelming approval of New Yorkers.

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