Boing Boing

This subscription gives you unlimited access to tons of music to use in any work or personal project

Feeling lackluster in your day-to-day these days while trying to make literally anything more interesting? We totally get that, and while your white paper may be just that, completely white, we've got a way to jazz up any project looking for a musical boost (or, in some cases, a whole revamp). Insert any sound from Tunepond and make all of your work sing.

Ready to see what Tunepond is all about? Not just a music sharing platform, this app is perfect for anyone from those of us looking to freshen up a project at work, have a personal gig, creators, producers, filmmakers, YouTubers, editors, or students and professors who need to give our educational project a little sound boost. Need a specific kind of tune? No sweat, the library includes thousands of different studio-grade music in various genres, moods, tempos, and styles.

No worries about pesky music licensing, either. Tunepond makes sure you can use all of their music and it stays completely kosher. You can even use the music from the subscription while you're doing things like building your business to make a little extra cash on the side through a business website or any form of business social media.

Using this subscription also ensures you're doing a good deed or two. Tunepond solidifies that snagging its beats supports music composers and producers who work tirelessly to bring you their art. Any modern browser will do to bring you the next best part of that project that needs some extra love. 

The cherry on top? This deal comes with lifetime access, meaning you have a full range of the subscription from now until forever. Not ready to finish that report or thinking of going back to school in 10 years? Great, Tunepond will follow you wherever you go so you'll always have grade A listening material to look forward to.

Get the Tunepond Royalty-Free Stock Audio: Lifetime Subscription for $39.99.

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