Boing Boing

Write and read music in no time with this master class bundle

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There's nothing quite as useful as being able to read sheet music for singers and songwriters. It's a cinch to learn, and you'll be able to not only play more traditional music, but you'll also find it way easier to learn new songs quickly without listening to them. Think of it as your skeleton key to unlocking new horizons for your musical journey! Or at least the best way to avoid writing the worst song of all time! It's even easier to get started, with online classes like those included in The Complete 2022 Reading & Writing Music Master Class Bundle, now on sale for only $19.99!

This bundle includes everything you need to get going on your journey to become a soulful café singer, thrilling musical composer, or raucous garage band. With 11 courses that cover everything you need to know including music composition, sound design, lyrics, and song-writing, you'll be cranking out hits in no time. Nearly 30 hours of lessons on music that any beginner can jump into, or an expert can use as a refresher, less than $1 a course.

Taught by Skill Success, you will get access to great music teachers who are looking to share their years of experience and knowledge with you. Racking up reviews for their courses, Skill Success has made online learning easy, fun, and affordable with their classes. Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars out of almost 10,000 on GroupOn, Skill Success has proven themselves to provide great service and content without the budget-busting fees.

When you're getting into a fun, cool hobby like playing music or writing your own songs, some advice and guidance goes a long way. For only $19.99, you'll be able to get some of the best help around, right from professionals who have spent years in the industry. Whether you're looking to build a dream career or just want to dabble in something new, you'll love The Complete 2022 Reading & Writing Music Master Class Bundle.

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