When I was younger, I often tried to pair my playlist with my current mood as opposed to my desired one. If I were wallowing in sorrow because of my inability to approach my crush, I'd find some sappy emo track that resonated perfectly with my brooding demeanor. Did I encounter a rude comment that stuck with me all day? I would succumb intended effect of the incendiary insult and sustain the internal blaze with some DMX or Carcass. I thought it was a pretty effective way to use music until my friend presented me with a novel concept. Perhaps I could use music to, ya know, feel better. A shocking thought, to be sure.
Since that discovery, I've loaded a slew of emotional armor-piercing tracks in my Spotify clip that can slay a crappy mood in a snap. At the top of the list of songs that ramp up my serotonin is Queen's "Don't stop me now." The fusion of the song's tempo and lyrics can hoist me from any funk as if it was airlifting a beached whale. However, sometimes the song can be a little too much. Even when I'm in the market for some quick elation, I may not want to dance a jig while doing it.
In the video linked above, Foxes provides her rapturous vocals for a lounge cover of the aforementioned Queen classic. The version of the song comes from an episode of Doctor Who– my comfort show-, and it's the perfect combination of chill and uplifting. I hope you find it as peaceful as I do.