Hear ye! Hear ye!
The War on Christmas is officially over. (Hear that, Fox?)
King Trump, in a crowning moment, brought "Merry Christmas" back from the dead. And America has been saved from the "crazy people."
Not to be mistaken for a really good SNL spoof, a proud Donald Trump has a "sitdown" with Mike Huckabee at Mar-a-Lago in tonight's Newsmax Christmas special where he boasts about his victories in reviving "Merry Christmas," an effort that began in 2015 as "part of my campaign."
"When I started campaigning, I said you're going to say 'Merry Christmas' again, and now people are saying it," he says, to the accompaniment of a most maudlin soundtrack.
"They are saying 'Merry Christmas' again. I would say it all the time during that period, that we want them to say 'Merry Christmas.' Don't shop at stores that don't say 'Merry Christmas' and I'll tell you, we brought it back very quickly."
"You really did," a fawning Huckabee says.
Clips of a very white America exchanging gifts top off the clip.