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Create your favorite holiday coffee drinks at home with this pro espresso maker

Let's face it, you don't like seeing anyone in the morning before you have your first sip of coffee — unless, of course, it's the smiling face of your favorite barista. And while your favorite coffee shop knows just how you like your espresso, these frequent trips are hardly a friend to your wallet, and making time to stop there before work has almost made you late more times than you'd like to admit.

Instead of settling for your at-home drip coffee to save a buck or two, opt for this state-of-the-art Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Maker, allowing you to enjoy delicious cappuccinos, lattes, and more, all from the comfort of your own kitchen. Even if you're new to the barista game, this machine is designed to create the perfect espresso every single time, giving you the perfect cup whenever you turn it on.

In just under a minute, the Barista Express espresso machine can brew the perfect espresso, from the stage of grinding the beans right there in the device to its precise espresso extraction, equipped with must-have digital temperature control. Whether you choose automatic or manual operation, this machine will expertly brew deliciously smooth espresso with a taste that will rival that of your favorite coffee shop.

In addition to brewing authentic-tasting espresso, the Barista Express also features a steam wand, perfect for creating rich lattes and mouth-watering cappuccinos. Enabling you to produce hand texture micro-foam milk, this handy feature can enhance the delicious flavor of your brewed espresso and give you a chance to channel your inner latte artist. 

From its intuitive grinding style to its easy-to-use features, the Barista Express espresso machine is a must-have for any coffee lover, as it's made quite a splash online with a score of 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon with over 15,000 reviews. 

Snag the Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Maker at 40% off, making it just $599.95

Prices subject to change.

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