Boing Boing

Ties is a stop motion film constructed from 3d pen

Ties is a stop motion film constructed from 3d pen. I've never seen a stop-motion film made from 3d pen characters before, and the artist, Dina Velikovskaya, did a fantastic job at using this innovative technique to tell a story. The story itself is about a young woman with clingy parents who leaves home and navigates the world on her own for the first time. The wires that hold her world together literally begin to unravel as she strays further and further from home. Here's the link to see more of Velikovskaya's beautiful work!

From vimeo:

"an animated short film by Dina Velikovskaya
Germany, Russia 2019, 7 min 20 sec, 3D Pen, Stop Motion

There is a strong connection between parents and their child. A young woman leaves the parental home to see the world. But the world of her parents is so tightly connected with her that by leaving, she puts it at risk. It turns out that this connection can be also destructive."

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