Boing Boing

Libresse plagiarizes cartoonist Gemma Correll in international ad campaign

Published with the permission of Gemma Correll

Gemma Correll creates very funny and very appealing comics, so of course huge multi-national companies would like very much to steal them. Last week, she wrote on Twitter that global intimate care brand Libresse, aka @YoAmoNosotras, took one of her comics and made its own versions to promote themselves.

Libresse is a brand of the Swedish company Essity, operating under a number of names in local markets. Essity has a very convenient page for contacting them with any message you wish.

Here is the very good original comic, reprinted here with the permission of Gemma.

Libresse: PAY GEMMA!

Gemma Correll's website is here. I recommend that you visit!

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