Boing Boing

Marjorie grovels to "libtard" Jimmy Kimmel, asks to be on his show (video)

Image: Philip Yabut /

The desperate Marjorie Taylor Greene is having such a hard time with her dead-on-arrival memoir — aka her new book that ranks 9,846 on Amazon — that she decided Jimmy Kimmel was not such a "threat of violence" after all.

In fact, she publicly groveled to Kimmel on Xitter — after calling the police on him for a joke she did not find funny — and tried to invite herself on his show so that someone might notice her and hit the "buy now" button.

"The other night, I mentioned that Marge has taken a break from burning books to write one," Kimmel said on his show, "and I guess she's a viewer, because she reached out on Twitter and wrote, 'Hey @JimmyKimmel since most of your show content is your nonstop lies about me, why don't you have me on your show? I'll bring you a copy of my book and we can chat about what needs to happen to SAVE AMERICA!"

To which Kimmel declined, naturally. "I guess I'm a Hollywood libtard that's part of this pedophile Satan club — until she has a book to promote. Then 'I'd love to swing by!'" he joked. "This woman called the police on me for a joke, and now she wants to be a guest on the show." Kimmel then points out that Greene's book — which is ranked 50 spots behind a book written by Kanye West's ex-girlfriend in the women's memoir category — "is such a bomb, I might have to report it to the Capitol police." Good call. (See video below, posted by Jimmy Kimmel Live.)

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