Boing Boing

If you're having a stressful day, this song performed by a sad chicken nugget will help (I promise!)

A chicken nugget. Famartin (CC BY-SA 4.0)

If you're frustrated at work or otherwise having a bad day, I've got a little song for you that might help. It's called "Just One Word," and is performed by Sad Nuggie, featuring the voice of singer and digital creator Farbsy. I won't provide any spoilers, so you'll just have to listen for yourself to find out what that one word is. I bet you can guess, though!

Who is Sad Nuggie? Well, he's a cartoon chicken nugget who "may be constantly stressed and depressed but he wishes nothing but the best for all his friends."

The company "Sad Nuggie" launched in August, 2022, and sells all kinds of products featuring Sad Nuggie. The company is owned and run by Rowan Carter and Ryan Thompson, and the character of Sad Nuggie "came to life" with the artist Nastya Sevastyanova, who works closely with the Sad Nuggie team. The company also explains how it supports charities focused on mental health:

Sad Nuggie loves to give back to the community alongside working with charities, especially in the mental health industry. Sad Nuggie donates a percentage of sales back to programs & charities helping those struggling with mental health.

But you don't have to buy Sad Nuggie merch to listen to his songs, which I often do because I find them so funny and relatable. Some of my other favorites are "Tired All the Time," and the "ADHD Song"

For more Sad Nuggie, follow his TikTok or YouTube.

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